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The Battle of Borodino Museum (panorama)

The museum’s pride is the panorama by Franz Roubaud (1912) dedicated to the bloody battle (September 7, 1812), fought during Napoleon's invasion of Russia at the town of Borodino, about 110 km west of Moscow.

It was fought between Napoleon's 130,000 troops, with more than 500 guns, and 120,000 Russians, with more than 600 guns, commanded by General M.I. Kutuzov. After severe fight that lasted until the nightfall Kutuzov withdrew, and a week later Napoleon occupied Moscow unopposed. The Russians suffered about 45,000 casualties, and the French lost about 30,000 men. Although the Russian army was badly mauled, it survived to fight again and, in the end, drove Napoleon out of Russia.

Address: Kutuzovsky prospect, 38
Tel.: 148 1967/1927
Open: 10.00-18.00
Closed: Friday

Last update: 01.01.1970
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