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Anna Akhmatova Memorial Museum

Anna Akhmatova (pseudonym of Anna Andreyevna Gorenko, 1889-1966) was the Russian poet recognized at her death as the greatest woman poet in Russian literature.
In 1964 she was awarded the Etna-Taormina prize, an international poetry prize awarded in Italy, and in 1965 she received an honorary doctoral degree from Oxford University. Akhmatova's works were widely translated, and her international stature continued to grow after her death.
The museum is housed in the left wing of the former Sheremetyev Palace on the Fontanka river. This is a permanent collection of artifacts about poet’s life and work displayed in the apartment where she lived from 1924 to 1952.

Open: 10:30-17:30

Address: Liteiny prospect 53

Nearest metro station: Mayakovskaya

Tel.: +7 (812) 272 18 11

Last update: 01.01.1970
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