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Description Shchi is a Russian soup with cabbage as the primary ingredient. Generally it is made with either fresh cabbage or sauerkraut and other winter vegetables, usually cooked in a meat broth. Shchi made with sauerkraut has a sour taste and is called sour shchi. A summer sorrel soup, also popular in Russia, is known as green shchi. Usually smetana (sour cream) is added into shchi before serving. Shchi is eaten with rye bread as most of the Russian soups. It can make a meal on its own or be an appetizer. Some kinds of shchi are best served the next day after the dish is prepared as they gain full taste.


Recipe Boil beef in a pot for 40-50 minutes in salty water until it's ready. Take it out and cut into smaller pieces. Chop potatoes and cabbage and cook in the broth. Stir-fry chopped onion and carrot till onion is golden in color. Add it to the broth together with the cut meat. Just before the soup is ready, add greens like parsley and dill.

Ingridients 500 gr beef on the bone, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 4 potatoes, half of middle sized cabbage, parsley, dill.



Last update: 23.07.2010
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