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Guest book

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Your on-line consultantYour consultant: 469-901-876

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Delmon Travels Pte Ltd (  
Can you please advise us your email address in order that we can
communicate with you.
Meantime kindly let us know if you can accept FITs of 2 Pax minimum
for your 8 Days Programme starting form Moscow on Day one and ends up
at St.Petersburg on Day 8.
Thanks & Regards
Dinie Jordon, Oklahoma city,OK  
After many trips around the world we must tell you how much we appreciated coming to Russia. Your country, the little we saw of it was beautiful beyond compare. The showplace was St. Petersburg.
We were never cold and appreciated the beauty of the fresh fallen snow. We felt at times we were on the set of Dr. Zhivago, a favorite movie of many Americans. The mess of the slushy snow underfoot was minimal compared to the beauty and the lack of other tourists. We like to feel we aren't a herd of cattle and enjoy having entire rooms of elegant treasures to ourselves for viewing and admiration. It makes our time feel unwasted to not have lines to stand in or crowds to maneuver around. We can move much more efficiently from one sight to the next at an uninterrupted pace.
Galina our guide was very educational and we listened to her with awe. So have the beauty before our eyes with a historical perspective meant so much. Her English was a great complement to her knowledge. The punctuality of her job was a real bonus for us all. Her excitement and enthusiasm for what we saw and did added a great deal to our enjoyment. We respected her knowledge and appreciated her pleasant attitude. She attempted to please each of us and made us feel free to ask questions: :The choice of all restaurants, the quality of your guides and the fair charges. This all added up to a superb educational travel experience.

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